Would you like to learn how to get more prospects, how to drive and convert them into customers? Find out how a AMAP (Author's Market Action Plan) can take the guesswork out of building your bottom line quickly and cost-effectively.
An AMAP is more than just a report.
If you think about it, how can a digital agency recommend services to you if they don't even know who you are, what products you sell and what type of customer is your preferred avatar? We have been doing digital marketing for a long time and don't understand how someone who doesn't know your products or services can best represent you, so we created the Author's Marketing Action Plan - Because not all businesses are alike and your deserve a plan as unique as your business!
At Proshark, we do things differently. We call it a AMAP or Author's Market Action Plan, because it is about you, your work, your business, and helping you stop burning money on useless campaigns in order to efficiently drive more sales to your book or course sales. How can anyone make marketing recommendations for you without knowing who you are?
An AMAP is a version of our DMAP services specifically geared towards those in the writing & publishing industry. Designed to organically help authors' boost their business.
We craft a roadmap for just about all of your metrics and develop a complete & comprehensive marketing strategy because we get to know you.
It is a 360-degree view of your website, competitors, marketing channels, avenues for authors, keywords strategies, content and consumers.
Companies with marketing strategies and plans do far better than those without. An AMAP (Author's Market Action Plan) is so much more than just a plan or strategy. It is a deep-dive into who your company currently is, who you want to be in the marketplace, your best customer pool, and overview of your competitors and what they are doing.
Stop Needless Spending
The "just spend more" philosophy is a dated and ineffective strategy. Stop burning cash with little or no Marketing ROI and start investing in your business.
Retargeting for the New Market
Retargeting, the way we used to know it, is no longer available. We identify both internal and external threats and we use factual data to quantify best channels to use.
You don't need to implement a whole bunch of new marketing tactics and hope one works anymore. now you can get a specific plan built just for you.
Analytics are a critical part of your journey to success. Not only do we tell you how your customers got to you, we let you know the exact steps they took to get to the sale.
Whether you are unsure what digital marketing services your business needs, ready to hit the ground running with some ideas in mind, or even want to see a demo of how something works - Our team of experts is standing by to provide information and get you started.